





  • Ishonsho Abe Martha Kato
    (Music Video)
    • Munich Music Video Awards (2023)
      Best Jazz Song
  • Teatime Ponderer
    (Experimental Short Film)
    • Miami Fashion Film Festival (2018)
      Best Script
    • Largo Film Awards (2017)
      Best Experimental
    • Canada's Yes! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival
      Best Experimental
    • Alternative Film Festival
      Best Experimental Best One Man/Woman Show


Amin Shaikh
横浜市出身、ニューヨークと東京を拠点に活動する映像ディレクター・撮影監督。高校時代をドバイで過ごし、大学から渡米し Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) にて映像を中心にイラストレーションや彫刻など幅広くアートを学ぶ。在学時代にマカオの新設カジノリゾート City of Dreams とのコラボレーションを実現させ、当時世界最大の常設3Dホログラム用スクリーン (Musion Technology) のコンテンツを香港にて企画・演出。ニューヨーク移住直後に自宅のリビングで撮影したファッションフィルムが The Taste Award Best Fashion Film にノミネートされるほか、マイアミ国際ファッション映画祭では最優秀脚本賞を受賞、他数々の映画祭に出品。2021年にはニューヨーク市から資金援助を受けショートフィルムの脚本・監督を担当。淡い私小説のような映像を探求しつつも、エクスペリメンタルな企画や演出も得意とする。曽祖父の上林暁は戦後を代表する小説家の一人で、彼の作品を現代社会に置き換えて脚色・映画化するのが直近の目標。
Amin is a Japanese-Pakistani film director and cinematographer based in NYC and Tokyo. Born in Yokohama, Japan, he moved to the US to learn filmmaking and drawing at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Upon graduation, he moved to NYC to further pursue his career as a director. Not only has he worked on numerous documentary projects, which took him on unique - even life-threatening - journeys across the globe, he has directed his own works, including "Bilocated," a short film set to circuit festivals, "Teatime Ponderer," an experimental fashion film that was showcased in over 15 countries, won a number of awards at fashion film festivals, and was nominated for the Best Fashion Film at The Taste Award and won the Best Script at Miami Fashion Film Festival. His style of execution often involves historical and psychological analysis on various subjects, and his visual styles are derived from his own multi-cultural background. He believes in the poetic power of storytelling and its ability to transcend social and cultural boundaries to speak to human nature.